- Product Code : PR14
- Tasbih : 99
- Type : Pearl
- Price : RM150 (Including Delivery Cost)
- Stock Available : 50/50
Code: PR14
Code: PR13
- Product Code : PR13
- Tasbih : 99
- Type : Pearl
- Price : RM150 (Including Delivery Cost)
- Stock Available : 50/50
Code: PR12
- Product Code : PR12
- Tasbih : 99
- Type : Pearl
- Price : RM150 (Including Delivery Cost)
- Stock Available : 50/50
Code: PR11
- Product Code : PR11
- Tasbih : 99
- Type : Pearl
- Price : RM150 (Including Delivery Cost)
- Stock Available : 50/50
Code: PR10
- Product Code : PR10
- Tasbih : 99
- Type : Pearl
- Price : RM150 (Including Delivery Cost)
- Stock Available : 50/50
Code: PR09
- Product Code : PR09
- Tasbih : 99
- Type : Pearl
- Price : RM150 (Including Delivery Cost)
- Stock Available : 50/50
Code: PR08
- Product Code : PR08
- Tasbih : 99
- Type : Pearl
- Price : RM150 (Including Delivery Cost)
- Stock Available : 50/50
Code: PR07
- Product Code : PR07
- Tasbih : 33
- Type : Pearl
- Price : RM100 (Including Delivery Cost)
- Stock Available : 50/50
Code: PR06
- Product Code : PR06
- Tasbih : 33
- Type : Pearl
- Price : RM100 (Including Delivery Cost)
- Stock Available : 50/50
Code: PR05
- Product Code : PR05
- Tasbih : 33
- Type : Pearl
- Price : RM100 (Including Delivery Cost)
- Stock Available : 50/50
Code: PR04
- Product Code : PR04
- Tasbih : 33
- Type : Pearl
- Price : RM100 (Including Delivery Cost)
- Stock Available : 50/50
Code: PR03
- Product Code : PR03
- Tasbih : 33
- Type : Pearl
- Price : RM100 (Including Delivery Cost)
- Stock Available : 50/50
Code: PR02
- Product Code : PR02
- Tasbih : 33
- Type : Pearl
- Price : RM130 (Including Delivery Cost)
- Stock Available : 50/50
Code: PR01
- Product Code : PR01
- Tasbih : 33
- Type : Pearl
- Price : RM100 (Including Delivery Cost)
- Stock Available : 50/50
Code: CR13
- Product Code : CR13
- Tasbih : 33
- Type : Crystal
- Price : RM200 (Including Delivery Cost)
- Stock Available : 50/50
Code: CR12
- Product Code : CR12
- Tasbih : 33
- Type : Crystal
- Price : RM200 (Including Delivery Cost)
- Stock Available : 50/50
Code: CR11
- Product Code : CR11
- Tasbih : 33
- Type : Crystal
- Price : RM200 (Including Delivery Cost)
- Stock Available : 50/50
Code: CR10
- Product Code : CR10
- Tasbih : 33
- Type : Crystal
- Price : RM200 (Including Delivery Cost)
- Stock Available : 50/50
Code: CR09
- Product Code : CR09
- Tasbih : 33
- Type : Crystal
- Price : RM200 (Including Delivery Cost)
- Stock Available : 50/50
Code: CR08
- Product Code : CR08
- Tasbih : 33
- Type : Crystal
- Price : RM200 (Including Delivery Cost)
- Stock Available : 50/50
Code: CR07
- Product Code : CR07
- Tasbih : 33
- Type : Crystal
- Price : RM200 (Including Delivery Cost)
- Stock Available : 50/50
Code: CR06
- Product Code : CR06
- Tasbih : 33
- Type : Crystal
- Price : RM200 (Including Delivery Cost)
- Stock Available : 50/50
Code: CR05
- Product Code : CR05
- Tasbih : 33
- Type : Crystal
- Price : RM200 (Including Delivery Cost)
- Stock Available : 50/50
Code: CR04
- Product Code : CR04
- Tasbih : 33
- Type : Crystal
- Price : RM200 (Including Delivery Cost)
- Stock Available : 50/50
Code: CR03
- Product Code : CR03
- Tasbih : 33
- Type : Crystal
- Price : RM200 (Including Delivery Cost)
- Stock Available : 50/50
Code: CR02
- Product Code : CR02
- Tasbih : 33
- Type : Crystal
- Price : RM200 (Including Delivery Cost)
- Stock Available : 50/50
Code: CR01
- Product Code : CR01
- Tasbih : 33
- Type : Crystal
- Price : RM200 (Including Delivery Cost)
- Stock Available : 50/50
About the product

Sound of Soul understands the importance of different materials, bead counts and counter bead positions...
The tasbeeh embellishments in a variety of designs and colours...
Sound of Soul offers 2 types of tasbeeh : 33 beads count and 99 beads count using either large 8mm or 6mm beads ...
Large counter beads set with sterling silver separate every 11 beads for 33 beads count tasbeeh and every 33 beads for 99 beads count tasbeeh, to help you count your prayers...
PRICE for each tasbeeh is in the range of RM80.00 to RM200.00 depends on beads type, quality & count...
The History and Meaning of Prayer Beads, Tasbih Rosaries
Tasbih (تسبيح) is a form of dhikr that involves the repetitive utterances of short sentences glorifying God, in Islam. To keep track of counting either the phalanges of the right hand or a misbaha is used. The tasbih is similar to the rosary in Christian religion.
"Tasbih" are most commonly made of various stones or wooden beads, but also of olive seeds, ivory, amber, pearls or plastic. Stone beads (mineral and animal based) are made of; carnelian, amber, tortoiseshell, glass, meerschaum, ivory, pearl, coral, coconut, pebble, mother of-pearl, jade, rhino horn, etc. whereas wooden beads are made of; ebony, agalloch, rosewood, olive wood, etc. Besides 99 beads, tasbih also consists of: the "nisane", a disc which separates each 33 beads, the "pul", a small bead that marks the seventh position, the "tassel", which is a long piece marking the beginning of the string, and the "tepelik" at the top of the tassel. In 33 bead tasbih, "nisane" separates 11 beads and there is no "pul".
The most cited Hadiths in support of the practice are the following:
* من سبح لله في دبر كل صلاة ، ثلاثاً و ثلاثين وحمد الله ثلاثاً وثلاثين وكبر ثلاثاً وثلاثين تكبيرة ، وقال تمام المئة ، لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له ، له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير ، غفرت له خطاياه وإن كانت مثل زبد البحر ) – He who said Subhan'allah (Glory be to Allah) at the rear of each prayer thirty three times and thanked God thirty three times and performed takbir (Said Allahu Akbar: Greatest is Allah) thirty four times, and said there is no god but Allah nor he has a partner, his is the Mulk (All that is) and to him is Gratitude and he capable of everything, his transgressions would be forgiven even if they were as much as sea froth). Transmitted by Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj
* معقبات لا يخيب قائلهن أو فاعلهن دبر كل صلاة مكتوبة ، ثلاثاً وثلاثين تسبيحة وثلاثاً وثلاثين تحميدة وأربعاً وثلاثين تكبيرة – Endings whose sayer or doer at the rear of every prayer may never be abortive: thirty three tasbihas (Glorification of Allah), thirty three tahmida (The expression of gratitude to Allah) and thirty four takbira [the saying of Allahu Akbar]). Transmitted by Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj - the author of Sahih Muslim, one of Islam's most authentic book of Hadith.
* In some Hadith, such as the following, it has been said that the tasbih can also be repeated 10 times each.
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 8, Book 75, Number 341:
Narrated Abu Huraira:
The people said, "O Allah's Apostle! The rich people have got the highest degrees of prestige and the permanent pleasures (in this life and the life to come in the Hereafter)." He said, "How is that?" They said, "The rich pray as we pray, and strive in Allah's Cause as we do, and spend from their surplus wealth in charity, while we have no wealth (to spend likewise)." He said, "Shall I not tell you a thing, by doing which, you will catch up with those who are ahead of you and supersede those who will come after you; and nobody will be able to do such a good deed as you do except the one who does the same (deed as you do). That deed is to recite 'Subhan Allah ten times, and 'Al-Hamdulillah ten times, and 'AllahuAkbar' ten times after every prayer.
How Can I Benefit From Crystal Healing?
Crystals are believed to have an influence on the parts of our body that carries life force energy. Called chi in Chinese philosophy and thought to control all parts of our existence, this is based on the body having energy centres called chakras. There are seven that control different parts of the body.
Where Did This Method of Healing Originate?
Distinct crystals have the ability to concentrate energy on different parts of the body to help heal that particular part. Healers use them and it is believed they can be carried by a person to help heal themselves. According to belief, there are certain crystals that focus on different healing energies. When placing the correct crystal on the chakra it is said to transfer a healing energy that will allow our health to be much better as well as the sense of well being one gets.
This is not a new concept. Records have been found that point to this method being used over 5,000 years ago. The Ebers Papyrus, dating from 1550 B.C. is one of only two ancient medical documents from Egypt that records the use of crystals for healing. It is also found in Ayurvedic medicine, which is another ancient system used by Indians in healing.
Which Crystals Help?
There are many that are thought to be good for virtually any problem but here are a few and what their main role in healing is:
Sapphire is believed to help clear skin disorders.
2) Citrine, a yellow quartz, is believed to improve your circulation.
3) Sodalite, a yellow, grey or blue mineral that is semi-transparent is thought to reduce blood pressure.
4) Emeralds are combatants of insomnia.
5) Beryl is used for improving liver functions and for throats.
6) Topaz is for varicose veins.
All ailments have a certain crystal that is said to help. The important thing to remember when you purchase crystals for your personal use is to wash them well. This removes anything that may have been picked up from others who have touched the crystals. After they have been thoroughly washed you will need to program the crystals for use.
This will involve placing the stone in your hand and conveying your thoughts to the crystal. The crystal is believed to transfer your thoughts to the crystal and once this is accomplished, your psychic powers can be put to use.
Since our bodies are made up primarily of energy, the crystals change energies into biological energies. These energies then enter the body and revitalise our systems. Another way of programming the crystal is to picture someone who is picking it up and see unhappy expressions leaving their face. See the happiness replace these expressions and then picture the person with fantastic health, enjoying life.
In the same manner, if someone is suffering from a particular malady, picture him or her with the crystal and totally cured of his or her problem. What are thoughts but energy? They are stored in the crystals and can be whatever thoughts or imaginings you have that are emotionally charged. You may not believe and if you do not, they will most likely not work. Nevertheless, if you do believe, you should use the crystals for their extreme power of healing the mind and body.
Keith Ward is the Founder and Director of the Circle of Professional Clairvoyants, which offers Psychic Readings with fully qualified Senior UK Clairvoyants and Psychics.